Welcome to Jekyll!
Jenkins and Selenium Grid == simple* headless ui testing
Wow almost a year
Almost cleaned up
Hello Jekyll
Fixed Width Font in gmail after labs
CSS and Old stuff
Might help if I ...
AWS forced detachment and fully automated backups of volumes
Weekend in Vegas
About last night... linkfest
Site update
Refreshed the WP install
Child's Play 2008 redux...
AWS quickie snapshotting all EBS volumes
Step-by-step instructions for debugging IOS using gdb
545 People
My Politics
AWS part2 EC2 + S3 via ElasticDrive
Latest obsession... amazingly enough getting rid of hardware
Giving up, or at least trying to ween myself off TV
Child's Play 2007
moblogging ...
Headlines back from the dead
This post brought to you by the letter L and the number 2600
Project "Silence is Golden" is making progress
My slow decent into the cult of mac
mini update
svn update
WP updates and more
Site is back up after the move...
Heading out West
Remembering a friend
Doxygen Kicks butt!
From Coast to Coast
Scott - Java Developer.... HA!
Oh were you looking for me?
12th not bad for a first time.
Daily Afformations
Just trucking along
Smash the Stack
Lazy Weekend
Save the Internet from Cronies
Hard time to get motivated
Back into the fold
It's a battle between my desire and my goals
Newsportal is in beta right now.
First real workout in over a year.
Shaving Cream is a Racket
How to perform a red-team wireless audit on the cheap
Got to clean up and start logging
Such a liar
Smallish projects abound
Upcoming Projects
Stuck here in the middle with you.
Just got to breathe
Starting to lose days
Losing the battles
Schwepps is Kasparov's favorite tonic water
weekend update with ...
I'm going back to Cali..Cali...Cali
In the waiting line
We don't know where!
Studying Shaolin kungfu in China part 1
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Holy Cow
Polyphasic Sleep
Hello! Mcfly! Anyone in there? Hello?
Build a Schedule
Owlcon wrap-up
Kinkos can be expensive
cut n paste repeat
Bundle up folks, cause it's COLD out there!
Back in the Saddle
Too easily distracted... rambling
5 days off, and I woke up in a daze
Must.... resist..... urge.... to... juggle
No soda... No love
All work and no play... is too cliche
So what ever happen to the oldsite?
Other goals creep into the mix
About the Archives
Stuff I want to get done this year....
This is my jounal
Good morning and a sleepy Afternoon
New Start.
La-La-La-La nothing.
Momma do you think they'll drop the bomb?
2600 night
Oh the places I will be going.
I know I know I know!
Order brings peace of mind.
AYE TEA and TEA are just stupid
att cont..
Whee I got Sunshine
quick meditation
I am an embarassment to blogs everywhere!
I get to indulge my noctural urges!
ouch ouch ouch
Oh Yeah!
I am a baaaad journaler, bad journaler!
waters gone I need more.
busy worker bee dances
Bourays was on CNN
Carrot Cake Soup
flash back to garfield animated specials songs. Late night
Back in the saddle again
Whats the frequency Scott?
Cut my life into pieces
still awake.
Man today is too fast
CPP is on my mind
Nothing to do but sleep and clean
sleep deprivation...not just for breakfast anymore.
Must ......Reach......Bed
Cubicle of Speed +5
I'll be home for...
Once more into the...
Judgement Day...
WOTD Brisance
Update a Go Go
Don't put salt on me.
Band on the run.
Dreamcast on my mind.
Rambling man...
Metting HELL
Shaving heads and taking photos
Burning fool
Amituofo. Power!!!
Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me.
lots of water
The Trip begins
Sleepy Dreamcasting
Need to stretch more
Car Troubles
Long Weekend
The Plane boss!! the Plane!
Grrrrrr I hate traffic..
Dead at 26!
note work schtuf
Ick Brussel Sprouts
Another story about Houston Shaolin
Whoop! there it is.
The Fix for date
Happy happy Joy Joy
Great Workout!
Ni Hao
Grrr now() date() or what?
And so it Begins...
Beaten up by girls
First blog/journal post from 2001
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